Study and theory of constraints

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If you’ve ever taken a management or accounting policy, you may have heard of Eliyahu Galdrat.

In a factory, for example, restrictions can include the number of employees, the speed of the mechanism used, and the time required to deliver raw materials to suppliers. Philosophy, based on the theory of limitations (which I now refer to as TOCs) depends on the five “focused” steps aimed at eliminating or at least hubbing the constraints. These steps include defining the constraint, using the largest capacity from it, aligning all other processes in the system to support it, finding new ways to break the constraint, and finally moving to the next limit ..

As we are in the middle of the first semester in the first round of exams, I thought about how this theory could be applied to students in person. I believe that content can be used in our own lives; it can be used to eliminate inefficiently practices that hinder progress towards our goals …

By applying the KTW to the students, I have singled out the task of studying in exams. I am sure there are many other areas of life to which TOC can be applied, but at the same time studying sticks for college students. With this in mind, I have identified several factors that can be thought of as obstacles to the success of our research:

  • Availability of information.
  • Quality of education during classes.
  • These are the four factors that I think are the largest road gradiates for success in examinations. Let’ s take a look at how each one of them can be a …

    Time management, unfortunately, is a zero-sum game. Every time you use your time, it’ll cost you time. When people say, “ I need more time for that.

  • Playing video games.
  • Cleaning the room.
  • Use the toilet.
  • If you are one of those eccentric people who think that some of these items are “essential”, there is another question that should be considered:

  • I’m learning how to be a do-cop.
  • All being sarcasm, studying.

    Many of the students I know seem to think that learning is a process of carelessly looking at the professor professor’s slides again and again. They think if they see the material enough time, they’ll forget about it. While it works, it’s terribly unefficient. According to a study at the University of Texas (more about this.

    Another way to actively explore is to use.

    Use duplicate repetitions to get the most memory.

    A while I wrote the post about the program.

    Isolate yourself from distractions.

    Part of the reason that has been studied for so long is that we are often studying in the abstract. Do everything you can to learn in an environment that is comfortable and free from distractions. The distractions include friends, video games, TV, Internet (curse, StumbleUpon) and even other studies. I find that the best way to learn is to go down to the basement of my resident, bringing only the material I need for the same class. Thus, I am far from anything else, and this would make a great effort to switch contexts. When I’m going to study one theme, I take the time to go upstairs and get what I need for the next …

    Keep your mind in the form of a study.

    Eating a healthy diet and drinking at least half a gallon of water a day. Also, seriously,

    Another possible obstacle to your study is the availability (or lack thereof) of the training materials. General tutorials that students often find without previous exams, lecture notes, and slides, as well as past homework. In some cases, it may be even a tutorial that you’re missing …

    Not surprisingly, the most common insufficiency of information is itself. Whether to take good notes without paying attention to instructions on how to get access to information or think that they can “get in” without a textbook, students often shoot themselves in the leg when it comes to the information of sufficient information. Ensure that you have exhausted the following list of sources of information, as you can before pointing to your fingers ..

    The book is the primary source of information for most classes. A good piece of test will usually come out of it. This is not the most effective way to find out what material is needed to pass the tests. The walls of the text are not beautiful and not cheerful, add that most professors will have a good chunk of the information of the book in class, and you have a source of information that more and more students decide not to worry about …

    However, the books are indeed the most detailed source of information for the class (in addition to the APIs for the programming classes). I think my college education is a investment, so I’m not going to discourage this investment by denying myself to a large source of information just to save a few hundred dollars. So I urge you to buy a book for your class if you don’t know you won’t need …

    If the books are too expensive for you, there are always ways to get them cheaper.

    The last option is to check whether your school has a program that allows students to come to the campus library and check the books for several hours at the same time. This option is great if you are in a smaller class using the book for free, and you are forced to read it in a good study. If you want to use this option in larger classes, you can discover that the book will never be available for use ..

    For some of the more wonderful tips on saving money in textbooks, check it out.

    Getting good notes during class is essential. You may think that you remember this “easy” calculation of the formula, when the professor writes it to a class, but you will kick yourself later when you try to apply it to your home task. As you pay for your studies in any case, you can also pay particular attention to the study of the material. This means storing information in the staging environment before attempting to commit it in your brain ..

    If you are in a class that does not require you to draw lots of charts and images, such as a class of lectures on social science, I would recommend you take notes with a laptop. It’s the preferred thing, but the part that.

    If you’re in a class that’s.

    By the way, you can still use Evernote for paper notes; scanning notes in the program will make the text available for searching, which is super-handle ..

    Make sure that you pay extra attention at any time when the professor directs you to any source of information that supplements the class. This includes the class Web sites that contain slides, notes, and other materials, as well as external resources that can help you learn. You may not always use them, but you want them at your disposal …

    After you’ve made sure you do your best to have access to the information you need, it’s time to take a look at your professor if you don’t get to it. Some professors simply prefer not to provide students with resources such as lecture notes, slides, and past tests. Some especially diabolical professors don’t even give up your homework and tests! Sometimes the professors have a good reason for such a policy; sometimes it’s just a question of lazis. In any case, you always have the opportunity to request the necessary information. Most professors are aware of the advantages of publishing notes and slides on the Internet, if students are asking about it, so you should not be silent …

    When it comes to getting old tests to study, you might have a more difficult time for your professor to deliver the product. Some professors don’t like to write new tests, so they don’t release them-even temporarily after the exam. In this case, your best bet is to rely on other sources of information you have collected (unless you are one of the lucky ones who live in a fraternity or dormitory with a test bank)

    Most professors are not angry and will do their best to help you prepare for the exams. So be sure and ask what you need. Don’t forget to use your office hours; after all, this is your chance to check the source that actually writes the test!

    The classes can be boring, I know. However, a 40-minute Facebook reminder may cause a big problem later when you look at the test-test manual and draw a complete blank. That’s why you need to pay attention to the class; at the end of the day, it’s what you pay (I am allowed to repeat myself)

    Be an active member of a class. Ask questions and send everything to work. You will find that the clock is not freezing, and you will be much better at testing time …

    Also, get to know your professors. A professor who knows who you are will be much more willing to help you (not to mention open other doors), and knowing that it will give you extra motivation to go to class …

    In general, make sure the class is the most intensive learning time. If you’re at the state university, you’ll probably pay 10 to $30 per class, so I’ll get your money …

    Oh, big one. Of all the constraints related to the quality of education, the lack of motivation should be the largest and most deviating. The notes are boring, and your friends are gathering for hot chocolate. There’s a volleyball game today.

    People are creatures of habit. Play it with your advantage and schedule a specific schedule, don’t deflate it. If you’re going to study every night from 7 to 8pm, make sure you do it. Start a little, you don’t want to set up a timetable that takes you to hate your life. Even an hour a day is better than nothing. You can use Google Calendar to remind you what to do if you need …

    Even if you prefer to study alone, you can get a partner and obey each other. You call each other every night and check if you’ve got a different view of your training schedule. You can even study in the same room, even if you don’t study the same material just to keep each other in the task …

    You can even have fun; you can set up a system in which someone who misses a session should do something. A few pizzas buy pizzas, get pinks in their pants, or make a laundromat. The point is, it hurts to miss the session. Negative reinforcement works better when it’s funny …

    This method of accountability uses the same idea as when using a reporting partner; using his/her aversion to guilt to make you learn. The added benefit from the research journal is that it allows you to record success …

    Each time you study, end a session with a short log entry that verifies that you have reviewed and summarized what you have done. Over time, you will have a long string of successful sessions. When you get a desire to skip the study and play Halo for six hours, you will have the prospect of having an empty record in your ideal log …

    A good way to get out of the trump is to set a very short time period in which you try to get as much as possible. It’s good for you to be motivated, and the prospect of an entire hour of learning is thawed; the 10-minute interval is completely feasible and can just throw you out of your bad mood …

    Locate the isolated area and set the time to ten minutes. In this 10-minute period, work like a madman. Don’t do anything else, don’t even look at your feet in space. When time gets up, make sure you’ve done a lot of work. Your achievements are likely to motivate you to continue at …

    Not much to say about it. Just do it …

    There are many ways to ease the restrictions that hinder your ability to learn. The next time you feel underprepared, consult these tips to help you in super-charging If you have your tips, let us know!

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    97 The actions you must take To become Companies that want to hire.

    This is a brain dumping of strategies, tactics, and other random things that I know will help you land more than just any job, but rather good work …

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